
By seddon


Last night I was not a happy girly. I have been awake for a lot of the night uncomfortable and very clingy. In fact I've comfort fed/latched so much that Mummy hasn't been able to feed me today, she's had to express and then give me a bottle.
The health visitor came this morning, and I slept through her visit. She made sure mummy was ok and laughed when she told her she felt defeated by using a dummy. Her advice was whatever works, works. So, for now at least, I have a dummy, and it is working to help me settle.
This afternoon mummy took me to my first hartbeeps session. She was in 2 minds whether to take me given how unsettled I've been, but she figured if we got there and I started screaming we could always just come home again. I enjoyed the parachute and was wide awake for it. I did not like it when mummy put a piggy hat on me! And I slept for the rest of it, but mummy thinks I will enjoy it when I'm more myself and is looking forward to the next session.
After a very quick dash to Morrison's - I screamed all the way round - We went to pick Thomas up from school.
It was kids club tonight, and I enjoyed some cuddles with auntie nics and she fed me a bottle whilst mummy enjoyed a brew. Thomas enjoyed running around, singing and dancing and we are all completely worn out!

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