Return to the North

By Viking

Never a truer word said

I’ve been listening to and reading the news over the last couple of days and I’ve started to feel like I am in some dystopian post apocalyptic world.
The tragedies (here in Britain) of potentially hundreds of patients bumped off to early with stronger than required pain meds, thousands facing premature death (as well as those already dead) from infected blood and more locally the alleged coverup of a number of child sex abuse case in the CofE. Added to that the appalling stories of those in need being denied benefits and daily reports of suicides and mental health issues for those of us most vulnerable.

Even more disturbing is the number of threats of violence bandied about. Chris Packham receiving death threats for campaigning for the environment, Diane Abbott persistently abused for breathing! MP’s having to ask for protect and now local electoral campaigners being threatened on the doorsteps.
The world has gone stark raving mad!

This is the lid of some body butter but thought the statement prescient

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