A bit of green in the city

It's nicely done, called The Gathering and today, on a lovely day in Newcastle, there were people making use of it. I had only intended going in by train from Alnmouth this afternoon to attend a lecture, but Gordon decided to go on the train with me and then continue his walk along the Roman Wall. So we set off this morning, I got off in Newcastle and he changed for a train to Hexham. 

So, arriving earlier than I had planned, my options were to spend the morning in Newcastle or go to a couple of lectures on the Art of Film. I went to the latter and am so glad I did. Fascinating talks about the language of films, brilliantly described with the aid of clips from various films. I will never watch another  film without thinking about how the scene was laid out, how the atmosphere was created, how to tell the good guy from the bad, by the clothes they wear, the colours used, the way the camera moves around . . . 

Then there was a stunning lecture on Neanderthal people - imagine 70,000 years ago!! Our tutor expertly described how archaeological evidence of the most advanced kind is now making it possible to get a good idea of how these people lived - amazing. 

And just to say thank you so much for all the lovely comments, the stars and the hearts for my 7 year blip celebration. What a wonderful, positive place this is. 

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