
By ConstablePie

First impressions

I pass this hotel coming out of Waterloo on the train, and it doesn’t look very appealing to me. It’s made of 26 re-purposed shipping containers, and when I checked out the website I was really surprised by how attractive the apartments/studios are. The hotel also looks better seen from the front, not across railway tracks.
However the reviews aren’t consistent and if you wanted to stay tonight it could cost you about £150.
Maybe if you’re a train spotter it’s worth every penny.
Good news today at work, we interviewed my admin apprentice for a Business Support Officer role and she did really well and got it. She had an immediate 30% pay rise, which is just as well as she’s moving to Rochester and the commute could be expensive. I’m delighted for her that she’s on a career path and for me this is a post I’ve been fighting for a long time to get.

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