Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Lilac time

Lilac has always been one of my favourite flowers. We had a huge bush in both of the houses we loved in when I was a child so I grew up with it. Before I discovered Paris perfume, which is what I wear all the time now - and have done so for over 25 years, I used to wear a lilac solid perfume, which I rather think may have been made by Avon.
I've been noticing the lilac coming into flower in various places around the cycle track but at the moment it's all been out of reach so I've had to imagine the scent.
Today was busy, the funeral of a member of our congregation this morning, he was very musical and a member of the Bach Choir, so the singing was wonderful. It was nice to catch up with old friends and also with his children who I haven't seen for a very long time.
I chased around a bit this afternoon trying to get lots of things done so that I could go to my reunion group this evening, mission accomplished so that was good.
15585 steps today thanks to having walked from the West End to Morningside and back this evening.
5/5 so two days off now :-)

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