A lazy Sunday?

The London marathon route goes by Tim’s flat and there’s no missing it. I’ve seen it on tv but it is different being there in person. So many people cheering on complete strangers - it was heartwarming. We did see the elite women and men run past, and I snapped a shot of Mo Farrah - Mo Farrah’s back, to be precise. But the real stories are with the ‘masses’, as the BBC called the thousands of runners who are doing this amazing feat of training and endurance for a myriad of reasons.

Later on we went to the Hayward Gallery to see the Diane Arbus exhibition.

We were planning on an early night ahead of my return to Edinburgh the next morning, except that I could not find my ticket. We both looked everywhere, I phoned and emailed the train company and eventually we went to King’s Cross to be told rather firmly that they will not replace a lost paper ticket. My only recourse was to buy another ticket, at considerable expense, with no chance of a refund. So I bought a ticket for Tuesday at slightly less cost. I can feel a letter of complaint coming on...

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