
By Veronica


One of those blipless days when 5 o'clock rolled around and I hadn't taken a single photo. I tried hard; efforts included setting up the tripod and taking lots of photos of candles in the dark, and baking focaccia in order to take photos of it. I hated all of the results, even after extensive photoshopping. In the end, I preferred this minimally tampered with shot of some dried choricero peppers that were lying around in the kitchen. I like their blood-red colouring and the sharp shadows and highlights.

As the name suggests, choriceros are what give chorizo sausages their bright red colour. But you can also soak them in warm water and then scrape the flesh from the inside to add to soups and stews. They're quite mild in the chilli stakes.

Work now officially over till the New Year -- although being self-employed means you're never truly off duty!

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