Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Little Planet

The day got warmer and warmer, and in the afternoon we had a barbecue.

In fact, we had a rather productive day altogether. First of all we took Archie up the hill, and he did lots of running full speed between us.

Then we crossed town to B&Q to return something, and to get wee odd things like sticky felt for the bottom of chair legs. Also got a little flat mop with a washable cloth. I'd seen them when I was in hospital (though the pushers kept missing bits and not going under things properly).

We then had to go across town to the newly refurbished garden centre, which I hadn’t been to. But it was all too much for poor wee Archie, on my knee. Poo bag handy, so no mess when he was sick as a, well, dog.

I was very impressed with the refurbishment, a bit like very like the Dobbies set up. Nice menu too. JR was delighted to have a date scone - you don’t see them very often. We just had scones. The cafe was full of old folk, and yes - pop muzak blasting out for our delectation. Doesn’t make sense.

Our neighbour, Chris, has been out playing with his drone again, and sent me this shot of our area. He kindly said I could use it today. What a great view. That's Arthur's Seat up at the top, and Edinburgh Castle on the left.

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