
....with the theme "move, movement, moving". This is the first thing I thought of, so I photographed the little waterfall in the park, in the drizzle, on this cold, dismal, overcast day! Next I ran to the grocery store to stock up on groceries for Tom so he doesn't starve while I'm gone, dropped some things at Goodwill that I wanted to get rid of, returned three library books, did two loads of wash and packed....I don't leave until early on Wed., but wanted to make sure everything fit in the suitcase (it didn't) so I had to go up a size. I'm great at the actual packing, but I'm so indecisive on what to take. So much harder to plan when there could be such large swings in temperatures! But it's done (& it's heavy, which I was trying to avoid) so tomorrow I'll just tidy up the house & I'll be all set for Wednesday.  Thanks to tryfan46 for hosting MM's this month. :))

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