Double Shot Mummy


Maple and the twin's visit Santa at Wafi Mall!

Maple's first encounter with the bearded man! Bailee and Oscar's third Christmas!!!!

We heard this was the best Santa's Grotto in Dubai, so made the trip out to Wafi Mall. We waited, (And waited), for two hours. Several times at the beginning, we debated if it would be worth the wait! We decided to stick with the plan, and I have to say Oscar and Bailee were considerably patient waiting all that time in the buggy (With a short burn around the outside of the Grotto) at the end. Maple waited in the sling and I got her out for a look around and some awake time towards the end.

Visually, the Grotto was stunningly magical. There were reindeer and elves, snow and everything Christmassy you can imagine! When we finally got in to Santa's cove, he asked the twin's their names. They were both very coy. He asked what they wanted for Christmas. They both said something very random, that they'd never mentioned before. Oscar, 'Pooh Bear' and Bailee, 'A Lamb'. We had our photo taken, Santa and the twin's said their goodbyes and we left on our merry way back home to the Palm!

That afternoon there was crazy excitement! Oscar and Bailee are definitely taking in a lot more about this Christmas thing this year! I was wrapping a few presents for their friends and forgot that their was a small dinosaur toy for Oscar in the bag. It dropped out and Oscar saw it. The look, and little dance of utter excitement was one I've never seen from him before. My mum tells me I used to shake with excitement opening my Santa's stocking. This was the same level of thrill. It is things like this that makes having children such a joy.

Maple is trying to crawl. She will not stay on her back and just rolls straight onto her tummy. She is pushing with her knees and feet and struggling with her arms to move forward. Such a strong girl. Today she was lying on the mat with the twin's and they were all really interacting and almost 'playing' together. It won't be long and I will have three to run after!

Oscar's top tooth is going grey from when he banged it falling off his bike.... I will probably take him to the dentist next week to check his gums are ok. It looks like it is going to fall out :-(

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