Leisure Sunday in the garden

... I am feeling a lot better, the pain pills helped. I forgot to mention that when I had the earache we did not have any pain pills in the house, because, on Saturday was National take back day for old expired pills or unused medication. I had put everything in a plastic bag... then .... Murphy's law happened, I got the ear ache out of the blue, had to wait till the morning, when the stores opened.
Pharmacies do not take back old medication and there is on line a tutorial how to dispose them yourself. You poor hot water over your collection and then pour it into cat litter or sand. I did it once but decided to wait till there is drop off again...the next one will be held by our city in October. We won't have many, because I won't buy the 200 count pills from Costco anymore, you may use just a few and before you know it they expire. Now I am going to cook eggs Benedict with asparagus for my  hubby who is sitting now in my chair outside.
PS: in the extra I show who else was sitting in the chair.... it's called the daring jumping spider, they call it that, because when you see it, you will jump!!!!!

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