I am grateful for ...

By shirleyray


Tony just texted that he and Laura are leaving Las Vegas (not like the film). They should be here in two hours. Can't wait to share this beauty with her and explore the area. It will be new to both of us.

The tree on the left is the elata yucca that I have been trimming. It is starting to flower (all the stems sticking up) I do hope the flowers appear this week while Laura is here. I have never seen this before, so I am excited to watch it develop.

Bunker got a bath this morning. He wasn't thrilled at first, but the warm water and massage convinced him it was a good thing. He is getting rid of his winter coat, so half of him went down the drain and was rubbed off when he was getting dried. 

I am grateful that Laura and I share the passion of photography and have new adventures in front of us.

Until tomorrow.....

of course this looks much better large if you have the time to look.

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