Pictorial blethers

By blethers

A new chapter begins ...

Holy Trinity Dunoon is actually the only church I've been a member of. Sounds crazy, in these fluid times, but having had no church connection as a child - other than the compulsory Sunday School till I was 10 - I was confirmed only months before we moved to Dunoon. At that time, I'd have said if I had any church it would be the Cathedral of The Isles, but it didn't take long after our move here before I was singing in the choir of HT and the rest ... You know the rest.

That was 45 years ago. I've seen several Rectors come and go - some to other jobs, some to retirement. Two of them became Bishops. You learn to expect nothing, but to hope. Today was a day of hope as we welcomed our new Rector, David. This blip shows the moment our bishop led him into his stall in church.

So far, so factual. The personal? I was singing, and I helped present the gifts of bread and wine during the service. I socialised afterwards, we ate and drank, I socialised some more. Then, full of too much food, drink and socialising, we went for a walk through woodland and came back to upload photos on social media and shed, as it were, the obligations of the day. I discovered my grandson's football team had won their cup final, and felt sad that I'd not been there but glad that he'd probably done better when we weren't distracting him. And then we had dinner and ...

And the rest is silence. I'm tired beyond belief, but also happy. It's been a good day.

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