"The dance can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in music, and it has the additional merit of being human and palpable. Dancing is poetry with arms and legs."
 -  Charles Baudelaire

The annual Dance Evening tonight included our own Modern Dance Club and young dancers from colleague, dance teacher and choreographer Mercan Selcuk's own Dance Group.  It was an intriguing and creative visual treat including the dance pictured, (looks better in large against the dark background). The symbolism of the oxygen masks lies in the name of the dance "Nefessiz", ('Breathless’), music composed by my colleague and friend, Deniz Baysal (and available on Spotify here !!).   The circle of dancers reminds me so much of Matisse' painting 'Dancers' that it is the photo I am going with for my journal.

It was a difficult day.  Last night I could feel an 'orrible sore throat coming on, which by this morning had blossomed in to something most foul so I decided to stay home, and nurse it away.  Unfortunately, while trying to get out of bed late morning, I bent awkwardly and pulled a muscle or did something in my lower back so that it is now agony to sit down or stand up. Once vertical I can move about though, and so early evening I hauled myself down the stairs and walked very carefully to the theatre. Unable to sit in the auditorium (I'd never get up again!!),  I watched the whole show standing in the wings, resulting in a collection of images taken with my phone that tell both the public and private story of an evening of dance. 

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