
By sebrose

Westminster institution

Another day in Covent Garden. More pneumatic drilling.

Around 3:00, people begin to peel off to train stations and airports. Aslak, Laurent, and I head to the Lamb and Flag for a swift pint. Which turns into two. Matt does a bit of shopping and joins us later for a very swift drink, before leaving for LCY.

Christian’s son has flown in for the weekend. He’s 16 and this was his first solo flight. Several times this morning, Christian provided telephonic support as the lad navigated the labyrinth of Heathrow. Now they’re on a tourist bus, cruising the delights of the metropolis. Tomorrow they’ll be at the Tottenham game. And Sunday, back to Boston.

I’m Westminster bound, to meet Olly at the Hack & Hop. He’s with an old uni pal, Marc, who is colourfully attired in a short that explodes with red, orange, yellow. We drink.

Food becomes a necessity. We make for the India Club Restaurant, an historic institution, constantly threatened with closure, reached by teetering steps through an insalubrious doorway. They’re busy and give us a beeper, telling us to go back down the the first floor and wait in the bar.

Soon, we’re summoned and order a modest amount of food. Dan arrives from some arts event at Elephant & Castle. The evening unrolls noisily, punctuated by chillis and brinjal. Not outstanding food, in any respect - but the bowl of fresh green chillis is too tempting for Olly to resist and he’s soon regretting his rashness, big time.

Marc and Olly head their separate ways. Dan and I return to the flat, acquiring a bottle of Jura on the way. It’s getting late and, of course, we’re restrained and responsible, so there’ll be plenty left for another time.

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