Up, up...

And away.

Back in November a little 4 year old girl at school was diagnosed with a brain tumour. The were unable to remove all of the tumour during the operation, which also affected the left side of her face and body, and this resulted in going to Germany for 8 weeks for proton therapy. E has already had her first run of chemotherapy earlier in the year and is about to embark on another course which they hope will finish around Christmas time.

B, her class teacher, has organised a mad hair fundraising day next Wednesday ~ wacky styles, coloured, glittered or wigs (my rainbow wig has just arrived). Earlier in the week Josh (he works at the same school) was chatting to me about shaving his head in support of E and hoping to raise a few extra pounds. There was lots of umming and ahhhing, yes I will, no I can’t I’ll chicken out. Well he’s decided to have it shaved off at school next Wednesday. Last night he set up a Just Giving page with a target of £100 and the hope of raising a little more. Some teachers are also parents and sent the link in their class WhatsApp groups and the money started rolling in.

Josh, me and the school community have been completely overwhelmed with the generosity that has poured in. As I type (8pm Friday Eve) the current amount is £4665.00..... there is no backing out now ;-D))) E is going to help shave his head and she thinks it’s really funny.

I was holding the dandelion to blip when the seeds started to move in the breeze and you can see one about to take off (another in extra).

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