Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

The end of the world.....NOT!

Life....The circle of life....this is the shortest light day, and if the papers are to be believed, the end of the world according to the Maya.

In truth, the Stella that gives the date refers to the regeneration and change of a cycle, an epoch, nothing more...the stone which has caused such fuss is not even has eroded at the bottom so the full story or translation cannot be made....such nonsense and panic! It would be like worrying over the date of the move from Winter into Springtime!!!!

When we were in contact with the Earth cycles more, listened to the rhythm of life, were connected more, today would start the feast of life...celebrating the end of the worst of the dark, a sacred day. Fires would burn...feasts would take place...thanks would be given for the light that would return a little each day. If you really want to feel the magic...get thee to a Henge at the solstices...wicked fun...the ground is imbued with ancient stuff!

So here we are...the depths of Winter...I stood on my favourite bridge and drank it all in...the dark...the beginning...Goodness! What an old Pagan I am!

From this day we return into the arms of the Sun...a journey that will turn....a cycle of life...not an end but the delicate space between End and Beginning.

Love it!

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