This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today I woke up at 4:30 in the morning with the wild winds. I talked to Stewart and went back to sleep. Ideas about my project spun around my head...

Then I awoke and took action before work so I would be prepared when I got off work. At work I won a Christmas bonus of $40 (in Walmart Gift cards) for making my sales quota last week... Can you imagine? Tomorrow is Friday and I have made it through my 3rd week of reporting to the office!!

Once home, action was taken and results were had!

My project to get me back to Scotland has been granted an extension and a revision!!! I now have 11 more days to reach my new goal of $6,800! We have already raised $5,978! I believe the goal can be accomplished, as we are so close! Keep in mind that any funds raised over that minimum $6,800 will still help me with some of the things I had to cut from the initial budget. It all seems very possible now with the support of USA projects, the Artists2Artists matching fund and my generous donors!

So, if this all comes to pass I hope to be in your neck of the woods by mid to late March!! So to celebrate I found another one of Sally's hats in the attic!


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