Tenacious Twenty Five
My 25th yard bird to be blipped...the fearsome Cooper's Hawk. She strafed the feeders several times while I was in the hide today, unsuccessful but persistent. I suspect she is feeding babies because she hung out for a brief moment when I climbed out of the hide, wielding my camera. All I was able to manage was one (substandard) shot in the worst possible light...but I'm going with it. Heavily edited owing to it being horribly backlit.
Much as I hate to say it, I wish squirrels were on her menu as we have droves of them at the moment. But squirrels are just a bit too large for most of these small hawks.
Hubs left on a business trip this morning so I'm at loose ends. I made it to the gym for 3 miles on the treadmill - day three of my weekly five. Tomorrow I have a trip to the dentist mid-morning, so we'll see if the gym is in the cards or not.
First Gray Catbird of the season appeared at one of the suet feeders this morning - made my day as I love them. The little House Wren is still singing mightily from every tree, and I'm sure he'll attract a female soon enough. I have to check all the nest boxes tomorrow to see if he's started filling any of them with twigs yet. Oh yes, spring is my most favorite time of year!
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