Red Squirrel


Deery Me ....

... today's been one of 'those' days.

I heard that I hadn't landed one of the two vacancies for the job I'd applied for at work. Still, what you've never had you don't miss ....

I had to get to my surgery 3 miles away to pick up a prescription before 6.30, and I had a delivery of Tom's feeds due around 5.30. Detouring to the surgery on the way home from work wasn't an option, so the plan was to pick up the prescription after the feeds had arrived, and call in the chip shop near the surgery for food to eat as soon as I arrived back home. At 5.50 came a phone call - N was delayed waiting for a truck to arrive with a large delivery, he'd be with me a.s.a.p. So I used the delay to go for my prescription. N didn't arrive until 6.40 with Tom's feeds. By the time all was done and dusted and N had departed (it takes a while to unload, carry then stack 10 bales of hay and 4 of straw) it was 7.15 and I couldn't be arsed hacked driving 3 miles each way for food so ended up cooking. I was glad to finally grab a cuppa! The best laid plans ....... haha.

I'd needed to get to Riverside shops at lunch time therefore had no blip - so the gold stag's head I bought today for my tree gets 15 minutes of fame .... the tree, by the way, looks gold but is actually silver!

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