
Yet another plant, bought/grown for its short flowering. I'm thinking it's as good as a foliage plant?
Hepatica has a three-lobed leaf, just like a liver.
It's, also, proof positive that Sanguinaria Canadensis, alias "Blood root" flowers don't last VERY long.

As usual, for me, I had a slight hunt:-
Despite - "As a result, applying bloodroot to the skin may destroy tissue and lead to the formation of a large scab, called an eschar. Bloodroot and its extracts are thus considered escharotic. Although applying escharotic agents (including bloodroot) to the skin is sometimes suggested as a home treatment for skin cancer, these attempts can be severely disfiguring."
We, also find:-
"Bloodroot is used to cause vomiting, empty the bowels, and reduce tooth pain. It is also used to treat croup, hoarseness (laryngitis) sore throat (pharyngitis), poor circulation in the surface blood vessels, nasal polyps, achy joints and muscles (rheumatism), warts, and fever.

Some people apply bloodroot directly to the skin around wounds to remove dead tissue and promote healing. During the mid-1800s, bloodroot extracts were applied to the skin as part of the Fell Technique for treatment of breast tumors.
Who'd a thunk it?

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