Back in the Land of Pasty's

I took Bella for an early morning walk while Mr W cleaned the car then we set 0ff for Pasty Land just after 10. Apart from the usual M25 and Stonehenge the traffic wasn't too bad.

We stopped twice for Miss Bella Boo to have a piddle and a poo then arrived in Newquay at 4 45, collected Samuel Squidget and found our apartment. It's lovely and quiet considering its location but I was a bit disappointed to find you had to pay for parking when the front of the listing said "free parking on site". Apparently if you look deeper into the AirBnB listing it says car park charges from April - October. But we did see an underground space so I bet that should be ours!!

So we unpacked and headed off out for a walk on the beach so Bella could stretch her legs. It was the busiest I have ever seen it, not helped by high tide. Both boys missed an incoming wave and got very wet feet!!

Then we headed out to a Brewery run by a friend of Sam's. It was closed for Easter.

So we went to Sam's local pub - they had a power cut so weren't selling food.

So we headed up to the Le Wennick - they forgot our order so waited an hour for food. But it was delicious when it did arrive and we were given free drinks!

Then after dropping Sam back home we headed back to the apartment where I tried to talk Mr W into allowing Bella into our bedroom. He was having none of it!!

Luckily she settled well into her crate and We got to bed..... only to find a leak outside the bedroom door so all I could was drip, drip, drip...... aaahhhhhh!

Luckily I had booked a 2 bed apartment as I always like to have a "snore room" so off I went.

Night night.

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