Easter Sunday.

First of all a very Happy Easter to all my blip friends. I hope that you had a lovely day.

After a early call to take the boys to silaging I had quite a quiet morning pottering in the house. The weather is once more glorious with warm bright sunshine to bask in.

Harry woke up this morning covered in a rash all over! Mts Tbay Jnr then had to whisk him off to the doctors who diagnosed an allergy to penicillin! Nothing more serious but a rather grumpy baby as a result!

After lunch Mr Tbay and I headed for Puxton Church and the Easter Service. Little Miss accompanied us. What fun we all had. Our lovely Vicar is so relaxed and just loved the children running round ! A very happy family occasion.

Now off to supper with the Tbay Jnrs. How lucky are we!

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