Rock The House!

It was a gorgeous, sunny Easter Saturday. I mostly sat around in the garden while D fiddled with various instruments in preparation for Rockeoke at Wylde Sky Brewery. Because it was so warm, they had all the unit completely open with tables outside. Now we get to reap the benefits of sitting up there in our coats all winter!
The band kicked things off with a few numbers then gradually people started volunteering to get up and join in. The hi lights for me though, were when Poppy played Uke and sang a couple of songs with her friends and Alfie joined the band for 4 songs on guitar. We had lots of lovely friends there and even my dad came down. It really was an amazing, fun, gorgeous lovely, happy evening and we made a bit of money through donations and collection buckets for Meningitis Now.
Alf obviously soaked up quite a lot of praise (and beer) and we wobbled home, leaving The Accelerants to tidy up.
I’m now feeling a tiny bit excited for Hendstock. 3 months to go!

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