Busy day

Up early to walk the hoolies as we had a reservation for breakfast at one of our favourite restaurants. The special occasion was a get-together with Di and Gav for the first time since they moved to Howick in 2017.

Breakfast lasted three and a half hours while we chatted and caught up generally. It was good to see them getting on so well given their reasons for moving in the first place. I think it is all finally behind them.

We then headed off for some serious retail therapy as Arnie had a fair bit of birthday dosh to spend.

We got home many hours later but just in time to get the hoolies inside before the heavens opened. The weather is proper peculiar for this time of year.

Shiv was clearly pleased to see us as she spent most of the evening on the sofa beside us or at our feet. The thunder may have had something to do with it too.

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