Wheels at Wanaka 2019

What a brilliant time I had at the Inaugural 'Wheels at Wanaka.'  The wheels included cars (pictured), Traction Engine (Extra 1), Tractors (extra 2 and 3), Grader (extra 4), Caterpillar, which carried in the racing car in its bucket (extra 5), Dancing Tractors (extra 6), and a couple of trucks heading to the truck parade, (extra 7).

As well as wheels, they had all sorts of market stalls, including food, coffee and ice cream, as well as entertainment.  It was a very well run event, shame that it was cloudy and cold.  I will definitely go to the next one, Easter 2021.  After such a big day, it's time to put my feet up in front of the fire.

Looking forward to the walk tomorrow.

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