Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Emergency vehicles

This morning we had our first proper power cut of the winter after a couple of ten-second cuts earlier which served as a warning that worse may be to come.

Sure enough, shortly after I saw an SSE landrover trundling down the potholey lane, the power went off, throwing us into semi-darkness (it was a dank dark day even at 10.30), causing broadband connections to fail and leaving us unable to make coffee! Sacre bleu!

That was when K and I decided to head for the village, first to have coffee in The Pottery, then for K to make use of the library's wifi. In the library we met a neighbour who reported having seen an amazing fountain of blue, orange and green sparks in a nearby field shortly before the power failed.

When we returned a few hours later, we saw these vehicles parked in the drive. Three hard-hatted workmen in fluorescent vests appeared out of a field to say that the necessary repairs had been completed and we'd be back up and running in a few minutes... and we were!

Bless them! I am so grateful to have heat, light, phone-line, television and all the other electrical appliances at my finger-tips once again. Time to put the kettle on, I think...

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