By AMK81

Mining bees!

We've got mining bees in the garden!

Didn't even know mining bees existed until last year - but if you see a hole like this in your garden with loose soil around it that's probably what it is. They're solitary and have these tiny tunnels that are up to 60cm deep, they collect pollen and put it in a pod in the tunnel for their babies and lay near the pollen. Looks like we've got quite a few this year!

It's been another gorgeous day, and I even managed to go to crochet for a couple of hours thanks to dad being generous and giving me a lift there and back. It was lovely to get out - though I felt a bit out of it most of the time.

Dad took me to the supermarket on the way back and I felt a bit shaky and nauseous whilst we were there. Then was just really over tired and paranoid that I'd offended someone at the group by talking over them accidentally (not realising because my brain was on slow) or brought people down (that'll be tired anxious brain talking!). Maybe I was a bit too tired to go really! Or should have just skipped the supermarket instead of being drawn in by the promise of Easter eggs haha.

Anyway after a nap for most of the afternoon I'm out in the garden (in the hammock) and feeling much more positive!

It's so beautiful out here!

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