The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

What’s The Story?

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We are on holiday in Mull with The Explorer, Boots, Diego, Alicia and Fi (Boots’s mum). I carefully packed long sleeved tops, thick socks and fleeces and it was 19 degrees when we arrived - heatwave!

It is very pretty here with the brightly painted houses by the waterfront. Our holiday cottage has an amazing view although The Youngest Mini Princess had a slight panic when she realised that the broadband isn’t very reliable. “What do Islanders do?” she asked incredulously.

We had been in our lovely holiday cottage for a whole 10 minutes when The Prince said ‘pint?’ and that was the start of our evening. In the Mishnish. At 4.30! Everyone came to join us and we ended up staying there to eat. We had a few games of cards and stop the bus before heading to the Tobermory Hotel for a few (several) more drinks. It was great fun and it’s fair to say that we were all a few sheets to the wind. There is a pool table in the pub and we were chatting about our preferred pub games when Boots asked ‘Have you ever played blind, spinning, naked darts?’

Pretty sure I’d have remembered playing that!


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