Life through the lens...

By ValC

More daffs.

Just had to Blip these daffodils again.
First blipped a single one on the 12th April, but they are all now in flower, and just look so gorgeous every time I go past them in and out of the house.

What a fabulous day.
I have sat mostly in the shade, as it is just too hot for me in the sun.
Luckily we have a shady patio in front of the house. I moan it doesn’t get much sun, but haven’t moaned today.

A lazy day reading the Yorkshire Post.
Although I did bake a lemon layer cake. Just right for Easter and the hot weather, as it is very refreshing, with a tangy lemon icing.
Had some delicious English asparagus last night. I hope our farm has some this year. He hadn’t any last year because of the weather.

We have been serenaded all day by Mr blackbird sat high up in the sycamore tree.
That has suddenly burst into leaf. ( see extra)
The first shoots on the potatoes are just peeping through the soil as well.

I hope you are all enjoying the wonderful weather.
Now to start preparing the BBQ. First this year.
Hope it won’t be the last!
I think we have a nice Rhône red wine to go with it.

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