PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Dog 2

Remember this shy little pup from last month? I vaccinated him and his brother when they seemed bright and healthy, only to have them come in a few days later showing signs of parvovirus (or something similarly nasty). During their time in hospital they were both so sick they had no energy to be nervous or scared and as they slowly recovered they both opened up and became such happy little puppies. They were both back in today for their second vaccinations and it was so lovely to see them healthy and happy! Sadly "dog 2" is reverting back to his original shy nature and it took 45 minutes of coaxing and playing with his brother to finally bring this pup back out of his shell a little.

On other news.. I can finally let you all know that we welcomed a new little bear to our centre last week! "Bon Bon" (named by me!) was my first official rescue, which was actually more of a transfer from the Soc Son rescue centre where we looked at the two tiger cubs last week. He is only one and a half years old but the agressive and fearful behaviour he is displaying makes us wonder just how much this poor little bear has been through in his short life. With time I'm sure he will come to realise we are only here to help and that his life of pain and suffering is now a thing of the past.

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