
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today I took Caro to the supermarket! No, really, this was exciting because it is the FIRST TIME we have ever been to the supermarket together in NZ.

Oh shut up. It is SO exciting. And despite the fact it was rammed with Easter long-weekend shoppers, we didn't even get ratty with each other until right at the end. 

I feel justified for rattiness. Caro MESSED WITH my unpacking the trolley procedure. Because who puts hot pies on the conveyor belt after ice-cream?


But what is different about NZ shopping is that they insist on packing your groceries for you. You are not allowed.


I once asked a packing bag lady if I could help and she told me no. Then she added, "You must be from the UK," and gave me a look. 

It is sort of weird. There is a supermarket here called Pak 'n' Save where I guess they charge you less for doing your own thing. So there you are. Next time you are in Tesco, ask for some money back for putting away your own Jammie Dodgers.

I was very excited because I found a bottle of Dandelion & Burdock in the artisan drinkies section. I don't think I've tasted Dandelion & Burdock since I was about 7 years old. I'm not sure what happened to it. It used to be so popular. When I was little, we would always pick up a bottle of Barr's cherryade or limeade or D&B from the chip shop across the road to go with our cod 'n' chips.

And then - SUDDENLY - it disappeared.

I wonder if it is something to do with dandelions making you pee? There was a whole kid-mythology about this, growing up. We were convinced that dandelions could make one involuntarily wee. Either in your pants or all over the bed. I was never quite sure about this and didn't want to investigate further. But it was definitely a thing. If you sat on a dandelion by mistake, all the other children would crowd around pointing and chanting, "Pee the bed! Pee the bed!"

I'm from Yorkshire. We are not known for our sophistication.

But I was never sure HOW they made you pee. Did you need to EAT the dandelion, or just be near it? Was accidental sitting REALLY enough?

Right. I have just Googled. Apparently it is all the fault of the French. The French word for dandelion is "pissenlit" which means "wet the bed". This is on account of they DO contain a powerful diuretic.

Uh-oh. I just drank that entire bottle before I wrote this. Might have to strap on the maxi-pads tonight.


p.s. The D&B tasted similar to how I remembered it. It was really quite pleasant. "Like bubblegum," said Caro, when I offered her a sip.

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