Light Show
You might recognize this building from an earlier blip and I thought it looked cool then, but all lit up with projections over the entire building, it looks much more Christmasy. I actually first saw this light display on Saturday night because the venue I was working at was across the street but I didn't have my camera on me. I had to be in the city last night so I made a little detour with my camera in tow to try to capture this. I don't have a tripod (need to buy one ASAP!) so this is the best of all the photos I took. It's a little blurry in spots but I think it still captures how great this building looks.
The reason I was in the city tonight was to go to a revalue auction held at my old hostel. I bought a trip to Wilson's Promontory (the southernmost point on mainland Australia) at half price and I'll be going with a couple of friends who bought the same trip. So excited to take some photos there, as all of the pictures I've seen of the park look incredible!
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