a new year!

By Thesalh70

Cards marked

Set alarm for 5.30 this morning so I could get up and write my Christmas cards! Thing is I've had these since goodness knows when and here I am as usual posting on the next to last posting day, which costs me an arm and a leg cos they've got to go 1st class!!

The horrendous farty farts that Pete was producing last night explained themselves this morning, as he clearly had had an upset bottom in the night! Sorted that and then did my cards.

Into town and charity meeting this morning and then lunch out. Back into the office after lunch.

After work I braved John Lewis for an hour and couldn't stand anymore! Awful torrential rain driving home from town, it still astounds me how mental some people drive in weather like that.

Home and mum and Li visit and we sort our plans for new year. Then off to pick up Liv who wants to stay at mine overnight. We have Chinese for our late tea.

Didn't get around to actually sticking stamps on cards til tonight so looks like last day of posting for me...as usual!

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