
We finally made it to Viareggio today, although this time we opted for the local bus, which takes a picturesque 50 minute route over the foothills of the Apuan mountrains.

Viareggio is a very grand seaside resort with a wide promenade with some early 20th century hotels on one side and a range of beachfront restaurants on the other, each with changing rooms and their own private section of beach for deck chairs and loungers.

We sat on the beach for an hour or so reading, had lunch in one of the restaurants and walked for a mile or so along the water's edge (as you can see from the extra, it stretches for miles) stopping for ice cream before catching the bus back.

Like Lucca, Viareggio hosts a Carnival in February and these balconies caught my eye on the prom.

The other extra shows a chap setting off fishing, possibly for clams or something similar. We spent some time watching his technique, which was to stand waist deep inthe water and repeatedly drag his net just under the seabed. Didn't actually see him net anything!

Our last night in Lucca before setting off home tomorrow.

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