Stroll on the Beach

Another chilly day with the temperature lingering in single figures.   Got started in the reading for my end of year assignment - the study of a c15th marriage chest owned by the NGS.   Lots of reading and analysis to be done for the assignment which is due in at the end of May.

The feeder is still proving popular with the birds - in the extras a photo of Mr Blackbird who is always one of the first arrivals in the morning.  Down on the beach in early evening and watched the fulmar in action around the harbour.   They just look to be flying in the wind for the hell of it and make quite a sight.  They do stay on the cliffs for a while every year in the spring and then move on without settling.   I've never understood this and must do some research.   Main blip is of oyster catchers who accompanied back along the beach as darkness began to fall.

Managed to snap up table seats for the Unthanks concert at the Queens Hall in October.  Seeing them twice this year - the October concert is with the full band playing their music influenced by the Bronte's poetry.   

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