My Best Efforts - Year 3


Green Lady........., not the Cocktail!! - (recipe at the end of this narrative if you are interested!!) - but a beautiful and, I thought, rather unusual orchid. I called into a garden centre which sells everything from Dog Treats to Mulches and from Bird Food to Greenhouses and this Orchid caught my eye. The last time I went in there with my camera, I was challenged and asked which Company I worked for as they thought I was someone from a rival firm!! This time, therefore, I was very careful to ask permission first. That given, took a couple of shots, bought a dog toy (for Anni's Shadow) , some Bird Seed and that was that.
Went for a buffet Christmas lunch with the Breathe Easy group - I was asked if I would take a few very candid pix of the other guests - what they will think of them I don't know but I did warn them!!
They have not come out too badly - one very large man was a natural and really played to the camera and I think he will be pleased with his.

Recipe for Green Lady Cocktail:-
50ml Gin, 25ml Green Chatreuse, a dash of Lime Juice shake well with Ice Cubes - strain and serve in a pre-chilled
Cocktail Glass. Not for me, I don't like Gin!!

Weather damp, drizzly and lots of cloud - it felt cold because it was quite windy.

Click "L" on your keyboard to enlarge.

Hope you have had a good day. :-)

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