Magical Scarab
About 10 years ago the National Geographic King Tut exhibit was on display at the Denver Art Museum. After seeing all the artifacts, I was inspired to buy this tiny scarab at the gift shop on the way out. I'm sure that's why you have to exit through the gift silly impulsive people will buy things that they will never wear. It comes in handy now as today's "magical" blip for Tiny Tuesday. Many thanks to dfb24 for hosting! Here is an excerpt from an interesting article about scarabs (if you don't want to read the whole thing):
"Scarab amulets were used for their magical rejuvenating properties by both the living and the dead. Scarabs were used by living individuals as seals from the start of the Middle Kingdom (ca. 2055 BCE) onwards. These scarabs had inscriptions on their flat bottoms and could be impressed into mud or clay. The most common inscription for these scarabs was the owner’s name. However, the incised design was often a schematic combination of hieroglyphs and geometric patterning. Patterns could often denote the specific administrative office held by the wearer."
We got a letter from Subaru a few weeks ago informing us of a recall on the passenger side airbags on our Outback. Apparently, a defect allowed moisture intrusion into the mechanism that could have caused the airbag to explode when deployed. I am grateful to Subaru for notifying its customers and replacing the unit today at no cost to us, and I'm extremely grateful that the airbag never had to be deployed!!
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