Unintended busy day

We woke up and all took a while to get going.
Munchie made us all breakfast - yummy. Toast always tastes nicer when someone else has made it for you

Headed out to the cob house.
Pampered ponies were there.
The owner of the ponies asked munchie and wom if they would test ride the ponies.

Munchie loved this.
They asked her to do some more rides so she rode out a few more times. She was then asked if she could ride out one more in a while so after a play in the park she walked back on her own to the ponies.

She then spent two hours, grooming, feeding, leading out, watering the ponies and she. Loved it

She begrudgingly stopped for lunch
Then asked to go back for some more.

Having gone for an hour or so wonder, we left at 2pm!
They were both so happy.
Wom loved the massive slide, munchie thought the trampolines were super.

Another trip to the shoe shop.
New pedipeds and a third pair or school shoes for munchie


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