Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Naughty dog!

JR drove me over to the 'cardiac rehabilitation centre' for a follow up on my little to-do with the old ticker the other week. So I spent quite a long time with a very nice nurse who explained things in a little more depth. She even showed me diagram of my heart and where the stent was placed. She told me I didn’t have angina, and the hereditary things aren’t counted after you're 60 - then it's just old age.

She spent quite a while quizzing me about my diet (too many treats, it seems) and really, a leisurely stroll round the block with the dog does not constitute exercise. So I will NOT be stocking up the new fridge/freezer with Magnums. And JR has been instructed to only buy flavoured crisps, as I can resist them.

We took George and Lola with us up the hill for the first time. But as we were popping them in the boot, George slipped out of his collar and RAN OFF! But JR ran after him and eventually trapped him. And he wasn’t good up the hill - shot off on his own. Lola was very good, but it's not going to work out with George, naughty boy.

Richard came to fix our doors, and he's making a very good job. He's only scraping the varnish off the panels that need to be done, and will then match the wood.

We attacked the pile of wood that's been there since the builders left. Got it all done and swept up. Then JR happened to open the barbecue... SOMEONE (moi) hadn’t cleaned it before it was packed away last summer! Yuck. However, all cleaned now, ready for the warmer weather that's been promised for the weekend. Then Archie was allowed to have his game with the brush. Note the neatly sawed firewood.

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