Time for a Blip

Today the wretched wind has died down and it's been a very slightly damp afternoon. I spent some time repairing the bamboo infill on the fence and may well go out and do a bit more.

A sort of emergency Blip today - this Hippeastrum (No, not Amaryllis!) was going cheap some while ago in the supermarket - £6 reduced to £2 as it had been stuck in a box out of the light and the stem was pale and bent. But it's recovered and this is the first flower of four, plus another stem which will grow up later on. It's a variety called 'Red Lion'. There's no real significance about the clock - the plant was standing in front of it and anyway it gave me an excuse for a title!

Such sad news about 'Notre Dame'. Eight or nine hundred years with no technology, no smoke alarms, thousands of candles - and it burns down now. Just like the Art School, Clandon Park, Inveraray Castle and others. You'd think that by now there would be a better way of putting fires out than by standing there squirting water. How about carbon dioxide bombs?

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