Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


I love paper maps and have several map books of the USA plus individual state maps.   I like to get a broad overview of the route I will be driving before a trip instead of relying on the GPS or other satellite navigation system.    Usually I only use those for getting to a specific address.  This is a portion of the map of Colorado in the USA atlas that we will have in the car in two weeks.  

The route we are driving to Colorado will be one I have driven many times so I decided that I would take some other roads in between major towns instead of staying on the shortest route as per the Mapquest directions.    It says I can drive from here to Denver in 24 hours if I would drive straight through only stopping to gas up the car.  

 We are taking four days!!   As long as we are in Denver by Tuesday night April 30th we are good!  Who knows what we will find along the way in North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa  South Dakota, and Wyoming.     Or we may head out on the southern route, through North Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Kansas.   So many different ways to go west from here.  Whichever way we chose, we will come back the other route!    Exploring the country.  

Maps are commonplace things in my house.  Just ask my hubby how many maps I have.  He will probably tell you he has no clue as there are too many!

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