Famous Landmark

No prizes for guessing where we've been today! Took the local bus down to Pisa and spent a few hours marvelling at the Tower and Cathedral. We were fortunate to see it in such perfect weather, especially after yesterday's downpour.

This view of the Baptistry, Cathedral and Tower is taken from the city walls.

We walked round the walls of Lucca tonight for a meal inthe osteria we had lunch in on Sunday and, because the world is a small place, who should also be in there but someone we know from our village who used to run the local theatre and is now a County Councillor and heavily involved in the group who have managed to save our library from closure. Goodness knows what the odds are of both of us being on holiday in Lucca at the same time, let alone the same restaurant.

Just got back to our room to read the devastating news about another famous landmark burnin down. Hard to believe.

Extra is of the Piazza dell'Anfiteatro taken early this morning before it got busy

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