
By scotguide

Blooming blossom!

The sun & blue sky belies the temperature ! Wind that’d cut through you! And take your ears off! Brrr!
Callenetics class........ a few moans & groans a from a few of us after 2 weeks off!
Walk into city centre to do a bit of shopping, I’m looking for new walking shoes light weight ones! Think I’ve found the ones!
An afternoon indoors clearing out cupboards! Needs to be done!
Very tragic news Notre Dame Cathedral ablaze tonight, it looks well alight 850 years old! I’m visiting Paris next month it was one place I did want to visit MQS was married there in mid 1500s!

The statue in pic is Prince Albert he stands at the eastern entrance of the
North Inch (one of two parks in the city, the other is the South

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