
By Bom

Who said Mint Sauce?!?

A and I went for a walk around the lake at Blickling today. These gorgeous lambs were playing chase around a fenced off tree, then they sprinted off and the one on the right's mum wearily walked off to round it up. It was so funny to watch.

I'm looking for a good cordless lawnmower at the moment - any advice is very welcome. 

Young Lambs by John Clare

The spring is coming by a many signs;
The trays are up, the hedges broken down,
That fenced the haystack, and the remnant shines
Like some old antique fragment weathered brown.
And where suns peep, in every sheltered place,
The little early buttercups unfold
A glittering star or two--till many trace
The edges of the blackthorn clumps in gold.
And then a little lamb bolts up behind
The hill and wags his tail to meet the yoe,
And then another, sheltered from the wind,
Lies all his length as dead--and lets me go
Close bye and never stirs but baking lies,
With legs stretched out as though he could not rise.

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