Palm Sunday

At Mass on Palm Sunday we read the whole Passion from the happy entry into Jerusalem to Christ's death on the cross.  I was helping with the children so only read a much shorter version.  I was Pilate!  Then the children coloured in some flags and went into church brandishing their little flags!  I wanted to include the next stage in my illustration so I used a photo of the flowers outside church to signify the resurrection.

A coffee after Mass and Brenda and I went for a walk!  I've made a chili for this evening and now I'm going to continue with my album. Eldest Son and Grandson have come and have gone to football with Ro!  Looking forward to seeing them tonight as they are staying the night!

For those who love Van Gogh there is a museum in Paris: Atelier des Lumières which gives you an immersive experience!!!  On my wish list!!!


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