North Berwick Law from Dirleton

The CTC do it yourself pot luck lunch in the church hall at Dirleton was worth the lengthy trip on public transport. This mode of arrival was certainly a more attractive option for me than the alternative of cycling in the cold dampness of today and returning through town in the late afternoon darkness.

Arriving slightly earlier than those people cycling, the public transportees had the chance to plod through deep glaur* on part of the John Muir trail, in our quest to reach the sea at Yellowcraig, but time defeated us with the heavy going underfoot and we retraced our footsteps through the mud to find things in full swing.

It never ceases to amaze how much food can be produced from the saddle bags, panniers and rucksacks of 40 people. We even managed some wine, and I have to say that at the end, I returned with more food than I took.

It was wonderful to see all the old faces (I use that adjective advisedly) that I knew so well from years of twice weekly cycle runs and whom I miss now that His Lordship and I tend to cycle on our own.

I am looking forward to a feast of wafer thin toast and two kinds of garlicky pâté made by LeeAnn's Mum, and which was left over from the lunch and brought back by me.
This is one happy Lady!

* deep sticky mud.

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