Is it the Look in your Eyes?

How did this happen?    Boy's Pals , K and C got married today. 

They've been together for ever.   

Since the kids were 14 / 15 they were coming round here on Friday or Saturday nights -   laying on the trampoline, drinking beer, shouting,  singing, annoying the neighbours,  

K and Boy used to write songs together. I just watched a video of the two of them, perhaps 16 sitting on Boy's bed, singing away -  to the detriment of one of their other pals. 

Oh how they did always laugh together.   Of all the things Boy missed, he missed his Pal K the most.  Which is why it was really important for him to come home and be here for the wedding. 

It was so very lovely to watch him greet all his friends, standing in front of the church as a groomsman; it always warms my heart how he is welcomed back into their arms, despite his absence for 9 years, and within five minutes, it's like he has never, ever been away. 

K and C looked amazing today   - just beautiful, and perfect, and happy. 

Which is the way it should be. 

Happy Days Kids, Happy Days. 

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