Morning at the Park

A busy day, staying with the grandparents.

MrsCyclops was up first, and played various games with CyclopsJnr (including Gruffalo Matchy Matchy which he won).  Then she had a rest while Cyclops and CyclopsJnr went bird watching and then to the park (pictured).

After a lovely family lunch, CyclopsJnr needed a quick nap before going for a swim at Olympia.  We stayed in for a record breaking hour and twenty minutes!  CyclopsJnr went on the big red and green flumes for the first time, and also did really well swimming most of the way across the pool in big waves, and climbing out on a ladder in the waves too.  All useful life skills.

Home for a lovely dinner with the grandparents, then once again he asked to go to bed as exhaustion from a busy day overtook him.

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