Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

All dressed up with somewhere to go....

Last night we all thoroughly enjoyed the opera La Forza del Destino - despite it being very long (4 hours with 2 short intervals). Gavin did not fall asleep (!) and we think it is one of the better productions we have seen. We were privileged to hear Jonas Kaufmann perform but to be honest the other lead roles were as good as this famous tenor.

This morning I had a mountain of ironing to get through, and after lunch Gavin and I went on a good walk to the next village and back - about 7km. It was sunny but very cool, and halfway through our walk we had a bit of rain and even hail. It felt very icy and I was glad to get back into the warmth of the house. Our weather is very peculiar at the moment, it seems very cold for late April - and yet next weekend for Easter the forecast is for 21C. 

We received  a lovely card from the vet about the loss of Murdoch and also an email from the kennels, where Murdoch was very well known and very well liked. Gavin had the awful job today of packing away all Murdoch's stuff and returning unopened dog food to the supplier

Thomas was all dressed up and off to another 18th birthday party - I think this one had the theme of Gatsby which is why he borrowed Adam's white jacket. He had not done up his bow tie yet but I quickly took some photos before he left.

Adam did well in the BUCS power lifting competition today achieving personal bests in each of his lifts - seems like a night at the opera is a good way to prepare for such a competition! 

A lazy night on the sofa watching TV beckons.....

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